This is a feature length documentary about the experiences of people who make music.

It features interview snippets with artists and producers and video clips of performances.

It’s free to watch. I enjoyed it 🙂

What did you think of the film? I’d love to hear your comments… use the form at the bottom of the page, thanks!

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Release Date: 17 February 2014 (USA)

Description from YouTube:

Featuring Brian Eno, Giorgio Moroder, Erykah Badu and more than 70 other artists, What Difference Does It Make? A Film About Making Music marks the 15th anniversary of the Red Bull Music Academy — Red Bull’s longest running cultural program — and captures the energy of the 2013 edition in New York. It gets to the heart of what it takes to be a musician and, in the process, deals with some of the basic questions of life itself.

Apresenta Brian Eno, Philip Glass, Giorgio Moroder, Erykah Badu e cerca de 70 outros artistas, What Difference Does It Make? A Film About Making Music celebra o 15 º aniversário da Red Bull Music Academy e capta a energia da edição de 2013, em Nova Iorque, assim como o ambiente inspirador do mais longo programa cultural efectuado pela Red Bull, ao chegar à essência do que é preciso para ser músico. Ao fazê-lo, lidamos com algumas das questões básicas da vida em si.

參與的有環境音樂之父布萊恩.伊諾(Brian Eno)、低限主義作曲大師菲利普.葛拉斯(Philip Glass)、狄斯可之父喬吉歐.莫羅德爾(Giorgio Moroder)、以及其他七十多位影響現今各類型音樂樣貌的靈魂人物,電影《 What Difference Does It Make?》是 Red Bull 音樂學院為慶祝創立十五週年,將RBMA 2013 紐約的種種過程記錄下來,傳達Red Bull長年致力於文化發展不間斷的意志與正向激勵,呈現創作者內心對音樂以及生命之­間的糾結與告白。

La película What Difference Does It Make? A Film About Making Music, que cuenta con la aparición de Brian Eno, Philip Glass, Giorgio Moroder, Erykah Badu y de 70 artistas más, celebra el 15 aniversario de la Red Bull Music Academy y captura la energía de la edición de 2013, que tuvo lugar en Nueva York, además de transmitir la atmósfera inspiradora de la plataforma cultural con más historia de Red Bull, y llega al corazón de lo que significa ser músico. En su camino hacia ello trata algunas de las cuestiones más básicas de la propia vida.

Con musicisti del calibro di Brian Eno, Philip Glass, Giorgio Moroder, Erykah Badu e molti altri artisti, What Difference Does It Make? A Film About Making Music celebra il quindicesimo anniversario della Red Bull Music Academy e cattura in immagini l’energia dell’edizione 2013 di New York e le atmosfere del più longevo progetto culturale di Red Bull, indagando cosa serva per diventare un musicista e sollevando alcuni dei quesiti fondamentali della vita stessa.

Brian Eno, Philip Glass, Giorgio Moroder, Erykah Badu i preko 70 drugih glazbenika pojavljuju se u filmu koji slavi 15 godina održavanja Red Bull Music Academy. What Difference Does It Make? Film o stvaranju glazbe prikazuje kreativnu energiju i nadahnjujuću atmosferu Akademijinog izdanja u New Yorku 2013. godine, ulazeći u srž toga što znači biti glazbenik, a uz to se baveći i nekim osnovnim životnim pitanjima.

Brian Eno, Giorgio Moroder, Erykah Badu och ytterligare 70 banbrytande artister och musiklegender; What Difference Does It Make? En fullängdsfilm, om att skapa musik, markerar 15 år av och med Red Bull Music Academy – Red Bulls äldsta musikprogram som startade 1998. Filmen fångar den energi som uppstod i 2013 års upplaga i New York där filmskaparen Ralf Schmerberg går till botten med vad det faktiskt betyder att vara musiker, genom att passera några av de mest grundläggande frågorna i livet.

Με την συμμετοχή των Brian Eno, Philip Glass, Giorgio Moroder, Erykah Badu αλλά και πάνω από 70 ακόμη καλλιτέχνες, το What Difference Does It Make? A Film About Making Music σημειώνει την 15η επέτειο του Red Bull Music Academy και αποτυπώνει την ενέργεια στην έκδοση του 2013 στην Νέα Υόρκη, καθώς και την ατμόσφαιρα έμπνευσης που επικρατεί στο μακροσκελέστερο πρόγραμμα κουλτούρας της Red Bull, φτάνοντας στην καρδιά του τι σημαίνει να είναι μουσικός. Καθώς το κάνει αυτό, η ταινία αντιμετωπίζει ορισμένες από τις βασικές ερωτήσεις γύρω από την ζωή γενικότερα.